ProCE Banner Activity

Slides on Ending the HIV Epidemic: Strategies for Preventing New Infections

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Gain expert insight on how to end the HIV epidemic through expanded implementation of effective HIV prevention strategies, with a specific emphasis on overcoming barriers to use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among at-risk groups of men who have sex with men, transgender women, heterosexual cisgender women, and people who inject drugs.

Released: January 11, 2021

Expiration: January 10, 2022



Judith Feinberg

Judith Feinberg, MD

Section of Infectious Diseases & Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry
Departments of Medicine
Dr. E.B. Flink Vice Chair of Medicine for Research
West Virginia University School of Medicine
Morgantown, West Virginia

Kenneth Mayer

Kenneth Mayer, MD

Infectious Disease Attending
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Medical Research Director
Fenway Community Health
Boston, Massachusetts

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Educational grant provided by


ViiV Healthcare


HealthHIV Pozitively Aging

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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Judith Feinberg, MD

Section of Infectious Diseases & Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry
Departments of Medicine
Dr. E.B. Flink Vice Chair of Medicine for Research
West Virginia University School of Medicine
Morgantown, West Virginia

Judith Feinberg, MD, has disclosed that she has received consulting fees from Gilead Sciences and ViiV Healthcare and funds for research support from Gilead Sciences.

Kenneth Mayer, MD

Infectious Disease Attending
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Medical Research Director
Fenway Community Health
Boston, Massachusetts

Kenneth Mayer, MD, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from Gilead Sciences and Merck and funds for research support (unrestricted) from Gilead Sciences, Janssen, and Merck.