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HCV Treatment as Prevention in Italy: Overcoming Regulatory Barriers

Clinical Thought
Outdated regulatory barriers stand in the way of ready access to DAA therapy in Italy. How can we best reform these policies (eg, complex pretreatment characterization, prescriber restrictions) to treat more PWID and move closer to HCV elimination? Here’s my take.

Released: August 02, 2019

Expiration: July 31, 2020


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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Alessio Aghemo, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Gastroenterology
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Humanitas University
Division of Internal Medicine and Hepatology
Department of Gastroenterology
Humanitas Research Hospital
Milan, Italy

Alessio Aghemo, MD, PhD, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees and fees for non-CME/CE services from AbbVie, Gilead Sciences, Intercept, and Merck; has received funds for research support from AbbVie; and has ownership interest in Aimmune Therapeutics.