ProCE Banner Activity

Doing More With Less: Moving Toward Intermittent ART Dosing Strategies for Extended Virologic Suppression in France

Clinical Thought
The future must provide a way to decrease the therapeutic burden for people with HIV without compromising ART efficacy&mdash improving the overall experience for the patient by doing more with less.

Released: January 04, 2023

Expiration: January 03, 2024


Provided by

ProCE Banner


Supported by educational grants from Gilead Sciences, Inc. and ViiV Healthcare.

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

ViiV Healthcare

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Christine Katlama, MD

Sorbonne University APHP Paris
Head, HIV/Hepatitis Clinical and Research Unit
Department of Infectious Diseases
Paris, France

Christine Katlama, MD: consultant/advisor/speaker: Gilead Sciences, Merck Sharp & Dohme, ViiV Healthcare; researcher: Gilead Sciences, Merck Sharp & Dohme, ViiV Healthcare.