BTKi and BCL-2i in MCL and CLL/SLL


Mastering the Use of BTK- and BCL2- Inhibitors in the Management of MCL and CLL/SLL

Nurse Practitioners: 1.00 Nursing contact hours, includes 1.00 hour of pharmacotherapy credit

Physician Assistants/Physician Associates: 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credit

Released: June 27, 2023

Expiration: June 26, 2024


1 2
Course Completed

Which of the following aids the differential diagnosis for MCL and will help select the most appropriate treatment?


Which of the following is a guideline-supported treatment with demonstrated efficacy in a patient with stage IIIB MCL progressing on bendamustine/rituximab (BR) + rituximab maintenance after 12 months?


Your patient is experiencing grade 2 headaches during the first 3 months of receiving acalabrutinib for relapsed MCL, which of the following would be the recommended management?


How often do you currently review the latest clinical efficacy and safety data with patients in support of the use of novel treatments for MCL and CLL/SLL?