Managing mCRC


Opportunities and Challenges in Management of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Nurse Practitioners: 1.00 Nursing contact hours, includes 1.00 hour of pharmacotherapy credit

Physician Assistants/Physician Associates: 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credit

Released: May 02, 2023

Expiration: May 01, 2024


Course Completed

Which of the following is the significance of dMMR/MSI-H in selecting therapy for mCRC?

Which of the following is a characteristic of immune-related adverse events associated with anti-PD-1 ICI therapy?

Which of these is the recommended second-line option for patients with BRAFV600E-mutated mCRC?

Sarah, 46, has been diagnosed with unresectable mCRC. Her molecular profile is dMMR/MSI-H, BRAFV600E+, RAS WT, and HER2 and NTRK negative. Which of these is the recommended initial treatment option for her?

Sarah is receiving pembrolizumab to treat unresectable mCRC. She develops grade 1 immune-related colitis after 2 cycles, with 3-4 bouts of diarrhea daily. What would be your recommendation for management?

Max, 75, has mCRC with progression after 1L chemotherapy + bevacizumab. His molecular profile is MSS, RAS WT, BRAF WT, and HER2+ (ERBB+ on NGS). Which of these is a recommended option for his next therapy?

How often do you currently ensure that patients with mCRC are undergoing recommended molecular testing?

How often do you currently recommend 1L chemotherapy + EGFR inhibitor for patients with newly diagnosed, left-sided RAS/BRAF wild-type mCRC?

How often do you currently monitor renal and hepatic function in patients with mCRC prior to each infusion of pembrolizumab?